Monday, November 30, 2015

First week-day in the field!

Monday, November 30, 2015
Wow - our first week-day of work in the mission field. How exciting. We had plans to visit at least 3 people today- but hit a snag (got to love this kind of snag). We went to Evergreen Public Library where we knew they had a Genealogy Department and met with Sherry Johnson who is in charge of that department. What a GREAT lady. Boy does she know a lot about research in the South!  By the end of our visit, which lasted until after 3 pm, she started talking about all the historical organizations in 17 Southern Alabama counties. She is going to hook us up with them, so we can learn from and also show them what can do to help them - as a FREE resource. I think that alone could keep us VERY busy. She is so involved, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and seems to be excited that we will work with her 1-2 days a week. What a treat it was for us to meet her and become friends. I told her we hoped we hadn't oversold ourselve but would work hard to assist her in anyway we can. Potentially this will give us opportunities over the next year to work with many people and not only give presentations to groups but have time to work one-on-one to teach others FamilySearch. Great way to start out!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

We are HERE! Yes - we arrived in Monroeville Friday - Nov 27.

Now the challenge of where to stay... Of course we were very comfortable Friday night in Monroeville, because we stayed - yep, you got it! at the Monroeville Walmart.  We spend the day looking for a place and when we were headed out Saturday morning to make a decision, we received a call back for this campsite. It couldn't be better located. They will have some hunters here in the next couple of weeks, but it looks like we could be the only people here for most of the 18 months! Super quiet! We are 1.5 miles from church and 15 miles from Monroeville. It looks as though our second best option would have been 35 miles from Monroeville and 26 miles from church. (Ok, I'll admit it - it does appear as though it could be cheating, because it looks more as though we are vacationing!)  Here are pictures of our "Mission Home RV" in its new home. :-)

Saturday Morning (Nov 21) we headed East - (but south first to get out of the cold).

Sure we are going east - but it's COLD - so we started out heading south first. We went south to Page, Arizona then headed east on I-40. Felt a lot different than it was in Rexburg and Provo today!



Since our travel would have put is in Monroeville, Alabama on Thanksgiving Eve - we went to Chet's home in Atlanta and had Thanksgiving dinner with them. Of course, the picture gives it away - on Thanksgiving eve, we went to Casa Grande for a GREAT dinner. (The perfect precursor to Thanksgiving dinner!)

The MTC Tuesday evening devotional with Elder Kim Clark!

A special treat was the Tuesday evening devotional with Elder Kim Clark. Then how fun - we saw Ammon, our nephew, (Rahn & Sue's son) singing in the choir, so after the devotional we ran him down and had a great visit. He's on his way to his mission in Argentina. What a good guy!

Here is our MTC District with our youth RM trainers. Amazing!

Elder & Sister Brady - going to Barbados in the Carribean.
Us - Tallahassee Florida (Monroeville, AL).
Elder & Sister Christensen - West Las Vegas (church welfare ranch).
Sister Moore & Sister Ricks (MTC trainers)

Elder Mostert & Elder Nelson (MTC traners)
Elder Taylor (Branch President) wouldn't join us in the picture - must have felt guilty, so he included a selfie. (He should have joined us in the picture). He was THE GREATEST--lotsa fun & very kind!!!

Who else was in the MTC with us?

Here are the pictures of all the Senior Couples (19 x 2 = 38 senior missionaries in the MTC this week.) What a great and diverse group!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Our week in the MTC (Mission Training Center) - Provo, UT

November 16, 2016
Today we start our new adventure. Of course, we had to take a picture at the FAMOUS MTC World Map. Our experience in the MTC was beautiful--inspiring, empowering, & confidence building! They told us that Sr. Missionaries in the MTC have no rules--if you're tired, skip class & take a nap, etc. They trust us to work hard but not run faster than we are able. No one put any pressure on us; they love and appreciate the Sr couples & need 30,000 more!!
We opted to stay "at home" instead of in the MTC. We found a great campground at Utah Lake in Provo. It was about 6 miles from the MTC. We were able to visit with Ginger & Brady & Allison in the evenings and Sat. morning before we left for AL.

First Night on our Mission

November 15, 2015
First night on our mission! We were set apart as Full-time Missionaries this afternoon at 2:30 by President Erickson.  What an occasion - all of our children (except Chet) with their spouses were able to be with us. Now - we are on our way.  Pulled out of Rexburg at 4:15 pm. We got as far as Lindon, UT and spent our first night on our mission.  The place - so appropriate.  Yes, it seems Walmart parking lots have been our second home or our home away from home.

Getting ready -

October 22, 2015
We have done the impossible already! My office at Shaka's is FINALLY cleaned out. Getting serious. It seems nobody wanted my office until they saw how BIG it really was. I am so glad to know that Kelly and crew DO want the office, but of course they will get new carpet - etc.  Enjoy!

And the house is getting there. Our bedspread is even packed!  Just slept there for the last night.  ;~/